Sunday, July 19, 2015

Many Stones, Countless Ripples

A little over a month ago, my teary face was broadcast around the world because my students saw fit to honor me with an enormous act of kindness. They say they wanted to give back to me because of what I have given to them and taught them over their six years at Profile.  What they did was not only life changing for me, but world changing.  They showed how selflessness doesn't hurt.  They opened the door for countless other acts of kindness, large and small, from perfect strangers, from their neighbors, to people who have never met them or heard their story, but were impacted by them just the same.  We will never be able to trace how many people heard our story or somehow benefited from the love they shared, but I fathom to guess the impact was and continues to be enormous. 

Mother Teresa (apparently) said, "I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples." There were 42 stones in the class of 2015, and our story was shared hundreds of thousands of times.  How many ripples does that make?

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